message and persuade consumers to buy your products andservices. The studies carried out by Eyeview, a company that offers videomarketing solutions, concluded that a video placed in a landing page can leadto an increase in the conversion rate by up to 80%. So, if you want yourbusiness to be in line with the latest trends in online marketing, you mustoffer video content to your potential customers, regardless of whether you doit through a Facebook live, a video on the official YouTube page or evendirectly on the website . Content is be continued! What is theindustry in which your business operates? Are you aware of the latest news inthe field? the latest and most relevantinformation in the content you
offer to users? People need clear, relevant, valuable anduseful information, and the Italy WhatsApp Number Data best way to provide it is through the content thatyou make available on your own website, on specialist sites and blogs, but alsoon the social networks. Automated chats One of the newest trends in onlinemarketing refers to automated chats. If you are not familiar with this field,think of them as a tool that answers your customers' questions and comments.Also known as "chatbots", they are particularly useful formaintaining engagement, as well as solving customer service questions andgeneral problems. The advantage of a correctly set chatbot is that it will be difficultfor the user to figure out if he is talking to a real person or a robot.Therefore, you can integrate

such a chatbot on your own website or Facebook page, studiesshow that messages sent through an automated chat have a higher opening ratethan those sent by email. Reviews as SEO and sales growth tools Organic trafficstill remains the "healthiest" source of traffic for a website. Amongthe factors that Google takes into account when listing sites in the resultspage are the reviews. After all, why would they list in the first positions asite that received only negative reviews? Moreover, reviews are not onlyimportant for search engines, they can directly help you to increase yoursales. According to studies carried out by the Pew Research Center, 50% of adultsunder 50 consult the reviews of other buyers before making an online purchase.For this reason,