27% The Prairies (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba): 24%Results from respondents in Northern Canada were not included due to aninsufficient number of respondents. Considering that layoffs were most oftenseen by national participants working in the construction and technologysectors, layoffs at the provincial level appear to occur most often where thesesectors are dominant: l Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia are the provincesthat invest the most in residential construction in Canada , and these threeregions also have important technology centers. With nearly one in threeemployees reporting they have noticed layoffs at their company this year, 42% of Quebec employees who have seen layoffsoccur
in their SME over the last year say that the layoff rate hasincreased compared Bulgaria Mobile Number List to last year. 28% of them say the layoff rate has remainedstable during this period. This could be a warning sign of the predictedrecession, or the measures taken by some companies to prepare for it. Increasein layoffs in Canada in 2023 According to employees of SMBs where layoffs areincreasing, almost a quarter (33%) say the number of layoffs has increased byless than 10% over the last year. Nearly half (44%) believe the increase isbetween 10% and 20%, while 14% reveal their company has increased the firingrate from 21% to 30%. Tip for HR Managers: Termination is a tricky process formany reasons, including the possibility of facing legal issues if you make amistake.
Collective layoffs must meet strict criteria, both at thefederal and provincial levels. Unions and employees must receive notice and, insome cases, severance pay . To protect your business from potential legalissues, review the labor standards and policies in effect in the province whereyour business operates and use contract management software to keep tabs on thestatus and terms of contracts. contracts for your workforce. The most citedreason for layoffs? The decline in operations As job separations have increasedin recent years, the question many Canadians are asking is simple: why?According to our study, the most common reasons for layoffs in Quebec are asfollows: cost reduction, a decline in operations, a drop in income, a merger,outsourcing, an