A more re iab e method of rotecting of dangerous e mai s is to use modern e mai security. The fo owing are of rimary im ortance S F Sender o icy Framework – this techno ogy a ows the domain owner to indicate I addresses or host names from which mai can be sent. When the server detects that a message signed with our domain has been sent from an unauthorized com uter it b ocks its forwarding to the reci ient DKIM.
DomainKeys Identified Mai – this security invo ves authenticating the sender's server using a rivate key generated using advanced cry togra hy. Thanks to this the reci ient can be sure that it was us and not hackers Phone Number List who sent a given e mai DMARC Domain based Message Authentication Re orting and Conformance – this is an additiona security thanks to which we can be informed about attem ts to im ersonate our e mai address.
It is o tima to use a of the techno ogies mentioned. Thanks to this we can minimize the risk that a message sent by a crimina im ersonating our address wi be de ivered. This wi a so rotect us from being accused of being res onsib e for ossib e fraud. Sending sus icious messages wi ut the com any in a bad ight even though it is not gui ty of attem ted fraud. Customers can re ort on socia media that they have become a victim of fraud due to our brand's neg igence.